Mintaro and Devonshire Hotels

MR. CHARLES PIPER begs to inform his friends in the North and the public in general that for the past six months he has occupied the MINTARO HOTEL, Mintaro.
Mr. P. has made arrangements for the very best accommodation for Travellers, also for Stock of all descriptions.
Good Stock and Sheep Yards, secur[e] Paddocks, &c., &c.
Stabling the best in the North; good Hay, Corn, &c.
Spirits and Wines of the best quality. Good attendance.

JAMES H. BLEECHMORE begs to return thanks to Friends who have patronised him as Auctioneer for the past eight years, and to inform them and the public that he has again RESUMED the OLD BUSINESS at the DEVONSHIRE HOTEL, MINTARO, where he will be happy to see old friends and use his best endeavours to make new ones. They will find a good ten-stall stable well provisioned, best Wines and Spirits obtainable, the Largest Room in the North (with exception of Burra Hotel), fit for public meetings or performances. Two Acres well-fenced Sheepyard, good Stockyards, and paddock.