Mintaro, December 1864

[From our own Correspondent.]
Mintaro, December 27.
The farmers are now busy with their harvest. Reaping-machines are in active employment throughout the district. The crops upon the whole are much better than in many parts of the colony, but not so good as were anticipated.
Barlow’s Canidrome paid us a visit lately ; their pavilion was crowded.
A Cricket Club is now in formation here. I believe we shall have a Lodge also of the Order of Foresters. It is also hoped in the district generally that our worthy member, Mr. G. S. Kingston, will come forward as a representative for us. A petition to him to do so is in course of signature.
On Sunday last the anniversary of the Primitive Methodist Connexion of this township took place, when three sermons were delivered by the Rev. Mr. Warner to crowded congregations. The following day the children of the Sunday-School were provided with a treat furnished by several ladies in the vicinity; after which a tea meeting took place, which was well attended, and pleasing discourses were delivered by the Rev. Messrs. Davis and Wiltshire, also by other local preachers. The sum total collected amounted to about £21.
I observe that the members of the Catholic body have erected a commodious cottage adjoining the school on Farrell’s Flat, for the accommodation of the schoolmaster. Numbers of scholars attend that school, and I believe that gentleman has obtained the Government aid, which he certainly deserves.