MINTARO DAY-SCHOOL. — The annual examination of the children attending the above school took place on Tuesday, the 11th inst., in the presence of several of the parents and friends. The company was not as numerous as was expected owing to the commencement of the harvest. The children were examined by the Rev. W. Wood, and the ready manner the questions in different branches of study were answered reflects great credit on the master, Mr. Gibson. The National Anthem was sung very nicely by the children. At the conclusion prizes were distributed with which the children were very much pleased. At 4 o’clock p.m. the public tea meeting took place; about 150 sat down to it. The tables were tastefully decorated with flowers and beautifully supplied with the requirements for a tea meeting by several of the ladies in the neighbourhood. After tea a short address was given by the Rev. W. Wood, and a collection was made to provide several needful articles required for the school. After a vote of thanks had been given to the ladies for their kindness in providing the tea, and also to the Rev. W. Wood for his valuable services at the examination, the meeting separated. The proceeds of the tea and collection amounted to nearly £15.