[From a Correspondent.]
Mintaro, March 31.
Our little township seemingly is scarcely worth notice in your columns, although I can assure you we are making great improvements with regard to new buildings being and about to be erected; and we are in hopes that affairs here may brighten up again, which is much needed, things having been very dull since the closing of Port Wakefield by the Burra Company.
Unfortunately our steam flour-mill has broken some of its machinery and will be idle for a short time, the proprietor of the said mill being also an owner of a public-house, the licence to which has been refused for three months. Our worthy civil and obliging host Torr, of the Devonshire Arms, has had his licence granted fortunately, or we should have had to go six miles for a friendly nobbler or a glass of anything, perhaps for medical purposes, through the interference of some of our worthy police, who being stationed the nearest at eight miles distance from us, know little of the character of the man or the house compared with those around him. In fact, as they never visit us, they know nothing but by hearsay.
Cases of scarlatina are rather prevalent but on the whole the general health of the population is good.
The weather has been exceedingly warm the last few days, but no doubt we shall soon have a change. The farmers are wishing for rain to facilitate the ploughing of their land.
The District Council has been talking about repairing the roads near to our township. We hope they will do so. They are certainly very attentive in collecting all moneys due from us, and we hope for the future, overlooking all that is past, that they will be as attentive in giving us our fair share of it.