Mintaro Raises £500
MINTARO. November 8.
The Back-to-Mintaro Centenary celebrations were concluded on Monday and Tuesday of last seek. The back-to-school proceedings proved the most popular event of the celebrations, particularly with the older people. Assembling at 10.30 a.m. old scholars were placed in charge of Mr. Alfred March, an earlier teacher at Mintaro, awaiting the arrival of the Director of Education (Mr. Adey) to declare the function open. At 11 o’clock the Director and Mrs. Adey were met by the present head teacher (Mr. P. J. Collins), and passing through a guard of honor formed by the present children, were introduced to members of the school committee, assistant teacher, and members of the Centenary committee. The Director declared the proceedings open, and old scholars in charge of Mr. March, answered the roll call, and recalled lessons of younger days. Later Mr. Collins entertained the Director and Mrs. Adey, with members of the school committee, at luncheon.
In the evening, the Centenary floral ball was held in the Devonshire Hall, to music supplied by Mr. T. K. Tucker’s band. Here, a new Jarrah floor had been placed in readiness for the event, but it was soon evident that further dancing space would be needed, and with the Devonshire, the institute was packed to its limit. The attendance was estimated at more than 700. Mr. J. T. Mortlock of Martindale Hall supplied the novelties for the occasion.
A flower show was held on Tuesday, the concluding day. Mrs. S. Gerrard, of Merildin, worked assiduously to ensure large entries, and Miss V. Y. Pulford assisted in the classification of entries previous to the show. The flower sections were judged by Messrs. J. E. Madden, of Auburn, and C. G. Pulford, with Mrs. Bence, of Kooringa, judging the arts and needlework section. The show was opened by Mrs. W. C. Ayiing, of Gawler. Chief prize winners In the flower sections were:—Hughes Park, Mrs. W. R. Woods, Mrs. Catford, Mrs. G B. Martin, Mrs J. H. Knappstein, Miss Martin, Miss B. Maddern, Miss T. Sandow, Messrs. C. G. Pulford and J. T. Mortlock. Awards noticed in the fancy and needlework sections were to Mrs. Bampton, Misses Ley, Mrs. Collins, Misses Denton, Miss Martin, and Mr. A Rilstone, Mrs. J. N. Tickle, Mrs. Borowsky (paintings), and C. G. Pulford (photography).
A display of fireworks was provided by Mr. J. T. Mortlock in the evening, when an estimated crowd of 600 watched proceedings from Burra street for an hour. Before the declaration of the ugly man competition at 9.30 p.m., the trophies won at the flower stow were presented by Mr. J. T. Mortlock. The ugly man competition was won by Mr. S. McNamara, with 27,792 votes. Mr S. Garrard obtained 17,973 votes, and Mr. W. E. Blatchford 11,610. The competition realised £237 4/10. At the conclusion of the flower show, dancing was conducted in the Devonshire Hall. As a result of the celebrations, it is expected that, with donations, more than £500 will be cleared. The greater proportion of this amount will be devoted to the building of a new institute hall.