Mintaro Centenary Celebrations.
The celebrations of the Centenary commenced at Mintaro on November 1 in the presence of a large crowd of old timers who had returned and residents of the surrounding district. The committee, with Mr. Paddy Jacka as president, and Mr. G. E. Pulford as hon. secretary, had left nothing undone to make the celebrations a success, and their efforts were well rewarded. For several months they had been working hard, and the rock garden in the triangle at the north entrance to the town is a tribute to their efficiency. The town was bedecked with bunting, and lighted at night with colored electric globes.
The Rock Garden was declared open by Sir George Ritchie early on Saturday afternoon. He congratulated them on the work they had done, referring particularly to the work of the ladies. That was the 52nd centenary function he had attended.
A procession to Mortlock Park followed, where the programme of sports was carried out. The procession was a lengthy one, and was most interesting. Mr. C. G. Pulford, attired in an Admiral’s uniform, was marshal. The characters in the procession were quaint and unique. Mr. Stan McNamara in coachman’s at tire drove four grey horses in an old landau which the late Mr. W. R. Mortlock imported from London in 1870. Stan is never satisfied unless he is handling or driving horses, and he looked the old coachman to the life. In livery beside Stan were John Ross and his little son John. The occupants of the landeau were Sir George and Lady Ritchie, Mr. J. T. Mortlock, and Mr. A. J. Melrose, M.P. Following were representations of the Buffalo; the Yacht Hardship, with the crew and soldiers attired in the uniforms of the period; “Dad and Mum” on our selection,”; “John Horrocks, the explorer” and his black boys; Billy Bawden and Bob McEvoy as dryblowers; imitation Percheron horse and foal, quite realistic; and others of interest. The trophies for the best items in procession were presented to the winners by Mr. A. J. Melrose, M.P. later, as follows:— Best decorated motor, Miss T. Sandow for H.M.S. Buffalo, Mr. J. Carey for yacht Hardship. Best horse-drawn vehicle, Mr. S. McNamara in J. T. Mortlock’s 70-year old landau. Most original, C. Mustard as “Father Time,” L. Blatchford and company as “Rudd family,” H. Smoker as “The Wreath of a Nation.” Most obsolete, G. E. Thomas (penny farthing bicycle). Best sustained, H. G. Jacka as “Explorer Jim Horrocks”; Masters T. Hill and T. Pulford as “Percheron Foal.” Children’s prizes for best decorated bicycle, tricycle, or peram, Masters Wehrmann and Stanley Grace; Miss J. Northcote and Master John Davis (special.)
The luncheon was held in a marquee, large numbers of old timers and visitors being present. The ladies provided an excellent repast. Mr. P. C. Jacka presided. A number of toasts were honoured, including the following:— “The King,” proposed by the president. “Sir George Ritchie and Parliament,” proposed in an excellent speech by Mr. J. T. Mortlock, and responded to by Sir George Ritchie. “The Pioneers,” proposed in an able address by Mr. M. L. Giles; responders Messrs. M. A. Kelly and T. Dunn, two of the oldest residents of the district. “Local Government” proposed by Mr. A. L. Sandow; responder, Mr. C. Neate, Chairman of the Clare District Council. “Mintaro Progress Association and the Centenary Committe,” ably proposed by the Rev. W. J. Mortimer; responder, Mr. R. C. Jacka. Mr. T. Dunn lit the 100 candles on the birthday cake, and Mrs. J. H. Vaughan cut the cake amidst applause.
Boys’ race under 12, Howard Garrett, Bryan Torr; 2nd div, Ken May nard, Peter Torr; girls’ race under 12, Enid Midwinter, Mavis Bulla; boys’ under 14, G. Torr, M. Graham, M. Garrett (protest lodged); girls under 14, Fern Hunter, Betty Jacka; old buffers’ race (trophy), D. Fisher, T. Dempsey; allcomers’ trial sprint, 75 yards, J. Dermody, G. Kelly; flag and barrel race (horses), S. Edwards on P. Fudge’s mount, H. C. Jacka; ; married women’s race, Mrs. H. E. Grace, Mrs. C. W. Stephens; musical chairs (horses), T. Faulkner, L. McKinnon; bending race (horses), S. Edwards on P. Fudge’s entry, A. McLeod; three-quarter mile scratch wheel race, O. Coles, W. Draper; Sheffield handicap, J. Conley and D. N. Graham dead-heat, R. Henderson; Two mile Centenary wheel race, W. Draper, O. Coles, W. Crawford; high jump, K. Kain, R. Henderson; one mile wheel race, W. Draper, O. Coles; Draught Horse Derby, M. Fudge on B. Northcott’s entry, E. C. Pearce.
In the evening the concert was held in the Devonshire Hall. The programme was compiled by Mr. P. J. Collins, and items were given by visiting and local artists. During the interval prizes, were presented to the winners in the afternoon’s sports programme by Mr. A. J. Melrose, M.P. A moving picture entertainment of Adelaide’s recent floral festival, depicted partly in color, was provided by Mr. J. T. Mortlock, of Martindale, under the direction of Mr. J. Thrum.
The second day of the celebrations was continued in fine weather. The Methodist Sunday School held its eighty-first Sunday School anniversary, the three Services being conducted by the Rev. Principal Lade. Following the afternoon service a flower procession to graves of the old pioneers in the cemeteries was held. This was participated in by nearly 600 past and present residents and visitors.
St. Mary’s (Catholic) and St. Peter’s (Anglican) also held special services in charge of Rev Father Forster and Rev. H. E. G. Shepherd respectively.
On Monday morning “Back to School” was held, being opened by Mr. W. J. Adey, Director of Education. This was entirely successful, a large crowd attending.
On Monday evening the Floral Ball was held, the crowd being immense and taxing the accommodation of the Devonshire Hall.
The Flower Show was held on Tuesday, the entries being numerous and the exhibits were of very fine type. In the old days Mintaro regularly held flower shows, and the district is well adapted for the production of high class flowers. A Pyrotechnique display was also held in the evening, provided by the generosity of Mr. J. T. Mortlock.