Country Readers Exchange Ideas
Mintaro Celebrates Centenary
DEAR ELISABETH GEORGE— It is many months since I last wrote to the pages. Nevertheless, I still take an interest in them. We are having real summer weather now, and I love it. I am always pleased when summer puts in an appearance.
Snakes are very plentiful this year. I had not seen a live snake for years until this year, when I have seen several.
My garden is going off now, but it has been very nice. I had a lovely show of ranunculi and poppies, also petunias. The petunias are still blooming. The old larkspurs are a great stand by these days, also the gaillardias. I have some double ones, and the shades are lovely, from yellow to mauve. Only one of the cacti slips that some of the ‘The Chronicle’ readers sent me is growing. Naturally, I was very disappointed. Does anyone know the name of the cacti species that flowers in the night time? The leaves are bright green and star shaped. I have several growing, but they have not flowered yet, so I can not describe the flower. I was told it is a very pretty thing.
One of ‘The Chronicle’ bachelors sent me a tiny Sturt pea shrub several months ago, and it is now out in bloom and so nice, but not so pretty as the Sturt pea flower. My two plants have flowered nicely this year, and they last such a long time in water.
I have not noticed any letters telling about Mintaro Centenary celebrations. The first day opened with a procession in the morning, and that was really lovely. The prize float was a motor lorry decorated as the ship ‘Buffalo,’ and the second prize was a motor car as the ‘Hardship.’ This I thought was very nice. There were several other prizes as well. In the afternoon a sports programme was held with a concert in the evening.
On Sunday special church services and floral processions to the various cemeteries were held. Monday was the ‘Back to School’ celebrations, with a grand ball at night and Tuesday, the final day, was the flower show. The roses and Iceland poppies were very beautiful, to say nothing of the other flowers. In the evening a fine display of fireworks was shown. They were splendid, and everyone seemed to have had an enjoyable time. Thus ended four days of lovely celebrations.
Well, Elisabeth, as I will not be writing again before Christmas, I send you and all our readers hearty greetings for the festive season.
‘LEXIE’ (Merildin).