The anniversary services in connection with the Primitive Methodist Chapel, Mintaro, were held on Sunday, December 21, when Rev. J. Graham, of Wallaroo, preached three impressive sermons to attentive congregations. On Monday evening, December 22; the rev. gentleman delivered an interesting lecture on ‘Past and Present, or Old Things and New.’ On Thursday (Christmas Day) an excellent tea was generously provided by kind lady friends of the congregation. Helpers from various parts of the district met to enjoy the good things provided. The tea was followed by a public meeting. After singing and prayer, Mr. S. Olley, of Riverton, presided. The Chairman’s speech was followed by one from Mr. S. Adams, of Kooringa, on ‘The grand purpose of Christ’s advent.’ Mr. Tuck Hanson, followed with ‘Anniversary connections.’ The Rev. J. Barber spoke on ‘The signs of the times as prognosticating better days both for the Church and World.’ Rev, W. Senior followed with ‘The nature and necessity of self-consecration in the work of God.’ Some lively pieces of music were efficiently rendered by the choir. The proceeds exceeded £50, including a donation from the Chairman of £5. Votes of thanks to the ladies, helpers, and Chairman brought this interesting gathering to a close.