Meeting at Mintaro

Mintaro, May 14.
The adjourned meeting on the Electoral Bill was well attended yesterday evening. T. Priest, Esq., presided, and remarked that it would be very unfair for us to be joined to the Burra district. He hoped the people would protest against such an unjust proceeding, and called on Mr. Giles to read the memorial prepared since last meeting-The memorial when read was unanimously adopted. It was resolved that Mr. Bright be requested to present it. Mr. G. Faulkner spoke for some time on the equity of our demands. He said it was the wish of all in the locality to be still connected with Clare, which was but ten miles from us, and objected being joined to the Burra, a place 20 miles off. He trusted that the Members of Parliament would fairly consider the justice of our claims, and not separate us from our old friends. When the memorial was signed by all present a discussion was initiated by Mr. P. Dowd, on the Scrub Lands Bill. He stated his views at some length, and said he was totally against it in its present form, but would heartily support it if amended a little. He said that if the Bill was passed in its present form it would be more beneficial to the capitalist than to the poor man, although it was intended for the benefit of the latter. A man, he said, could take up 4 square miles in one day and pay for it the next, then take up 3 more, and so on. He said that no selector should be allowed to complete his purchases in less than 5 years, and that the Government should make extensive forest reserves for the benefit of the public. He moved a resolution to the effect that no selector of Scrub Lands should be allowed to complete his purchase in less than 5 years; that the Government should have no mineral claims on selected lands ; and that it is desirable to make extensive forest reserves. Mr. G. Faulkner seconded the resolution, and said he considered 10s. per acre was quite enough for Scrub Lands, and £8 per annum rent per square mile. He said that the squatters did not pay £8 per annum per square mile rent, and why should selectors have to pay so high a rent. He hoped the measure would be amended and passed, as it would be a great benefit to the colony. He spoke of the dummyism on the Broughton and Gulnare Areas, and said that if Strangways Act was amended so as to put a stop to dummyism, it would be sufficient — the farmers would not require much more. Mr. P. Brady jun., supported the resolution, and said that the Government did not take any trouble -to put down dummyism, for if they did they would have prosecuted some of the dummies ere now. On the resolution being put to the meeting it was carried unanimously. A proposition in favor of that gigantic scheme—the Port Darwin Railway, was moved by Mr. Giles and carried without a dissentient. Mr. Bright will be written to requesting him to advocate the views of the meeting in Parliament—”We are determined not to be separated from Clare, and should the Parliament insist on joining us to the Burra we will kick up a “shindy” before we submit. The weather is favorable for farming operations, as sufficient rain has fallen to soften the ground for harrowing.