NOTICE.— JOHN GURRY, Saddler, of Mintaro, having SOLD and CONVEYED to Mr. P. LANE, of Kooringa, all his STOCK-IN-TRADE and BOOK DEBTS, would request all PERSONS INDEBTED to his Estate to PAY the several amounts owing by them to the said P. Lane, whose receipt will be a sufficient discharge.
REFERRING to the above, PHLLIP LANE begs respectfully to inform the Inhabitants of Mintaro and its neighbourhood that he purposes to carry on (in the same Premises) the Business hitherto conducted by Mr. Gurry, and trusts, by strict attention to business, and by keeping a Large Assortment of Saddlery, &c., always in Stock, to merit a liberal share of public support.
Mintaro, April 30, 1867.