HILL RIVER, June 30.
An accident, which might have been attended with fatal consequences, happened here on Saturday last, on the road between Sevenhills and Mintaro. It appears that a farmer named Malachi, a resident of this place, was in Sevenhills, having some repairs done to the wheels and axles of a horse-dray, which he had in a spring-cart, and on returning home he met with a person, whose name I nave not been able to ascertain, and was giving him a lift ; but on coming to a part of the road known as Trilling’s Gap, which is undergoing repairs, Mr. Malachi was obliged to go on a very sideling place, which caused the vehicle to overturn. Mr. Malachi, seeing his danger, jumped out, and escaped with a slight bruise ; but the other poor fellow remained in the cart, and was thrown right under it, along with the parts of the heavy dray, from whence he was taken up in a state of insensibility, and suffering from severe cuts on various parts of his head and body. He was conveyed to Mr. Malachi’s house, from whence he was taken to Clare for medical attendance.
—Tilling operations are completed, and the young plants now above ground are looking exceedingly healthy.