MINTARO.—A correspondent says :—”On Monday, the 6th instant, the foundation-stone of a new Primitive Methodist Chapel was laid in Mintaro by Mr. W. Dale, of Redruth (in the absence of the Rev. T. Braithwaite, he being ill). After laying the stone the choir sang an anthem from Isaiah chap. 53—’How beautiful upon the mountains;’ after which Mr. Dale gave a brief and interesting account of the rise and progress of the Primitive Methodist Connection. Tea was provided by the ladies gratuitously for the occasion, and upwards of 100 sat down. While tea was going on the singers enlivened the company by singing around for three voices, by Dr. Harrington—’How good and how pleasant when brethren agree.’ After tea a public meeting took place; Mr. Nott, sen., in the chair. During the evening addresses were delivered by B. Creer, J. Pearce, E. Nott, jun., and W. Dale. Two anthems were also sung by the choir, to whom much praise is due for the efficient manner in which they performed that part of the service. The proceeds of the tea and collection at the public meeting amounted to the sum of £3 10s, “