On Saturday last a new Foresters’ Court was opened at Mintaro, at Bleechmore’s Devonshire Hotel, under the name of Court Plantagenet. The District Treasurer and Secretary came up from Adelaide, and were met at Watervale by a numerous escort from the Watervale and Clare Courts, and escorted the remainder of the distance. Thirteen were initiated into the Order, and the Court duly opened ; after which there was a dinner held in Bleechmore’s large room. There was a large attendance; the District Treasurer in the chair, Mr. MacDonald, of Clare, in the vice-chair. Host Bleechmore had a munificent spread provided for the occasion, which was served up in a highly creditable manner. After the cloth was removed the usual loyal and other toasts were drunk and responded to in a thoroughly English manner, interspersed with some good duets and songs, and a pleasing evening was spent.