District Councils.
CLARE, November 5.
Present— All except Cr Jas Scales, who was ill; excused. Overseer’s report read and approved. Messrs Whetstone and Mannix to be given notice to complete contract White Hut road without further delay and if Bray’s contract was not completed by Christmas to be re-let. From Mr F Angas, asking permission to lease road between sections 370 and 734, Hill River ; granted at 3s 6d per acre subject to usual conditions From Mr P Brebner asking permission to remove trees opposite Brewery ; permission given to top trees only. From A T Duke applying to buy road south side of his property, Penwortham; Council declined to sell. From Norman & Co. re road grader ; clerk to confer with the local agent, Mr I B Roberts, with a view to have a demonstration. From the Dept. of Lands and Survey re wirenetting and exchange of road ; received. Re Reynold’s bridge over new channel, Cr R O Knappstein and clerk to make final arrangements. From J R Winkler applications for rations; 3½ rations for one month granted. Tenders accepted— No 9, Fitzgerald Bros. £8 per ch., also No. 12, at £8 7s 6d same contractor; 13, L Bocian, at £1 5s per chain. Works ordered— Dry tree at bottom of Hill River station to be cut down. Repairs at creek south of Jarman’s also blocker’s road between Morrison’s and McLean’s, Cox’s ford Jenner to do repairs near Mr Ahle’s. Bocian to cut saplings Trilling’s Hill; hole in bridge Bumburnie springs, also hole in culvert near Barton’s. Board of Health— Officer of Health reported 1 case diphtheria and a few cases of measles. Receipts— District £50. Payments, district. £260 17s 7d