Diseases of cattle

Sir—In this morning’s paper you refer to a letter from Mr. Smith, Mintaro, describing a fatal disease among the cattle in that neighbourhood. I may state that in the old country I kept from 30 to 40 head of dairy cows on my farm. A disease came among them similar to that Mr. Smith describes, commencing with a cough, and they gradually pined away till they died. The disease was not so rapid, but I have no doubt the heat of our climate hastens its progress very much.
When the least symptoms appeared I was in the habit of feeding them off with turnips, but my butcher complained of them being covered with ulcerated lumps within the breast and ribs on both sides. I called in the most skilful veterinary in the neighbourhood, and he pronounced the disease not contagious, but owing to the nature of the pasture on the farm.
I think it right, Sir, to make this statement, as it may have a tendency to allay the fear of a contagious disease.
I am, Sir, &c.,
Glenunga, December 12, 1863.