Sir— A disease in cattle is certainly in this loctlity, but what it may be termed is unknown to me, as well as the parties belonging to such cattle. I should be sorry to say it was pleuro-pneumonia, but I will, as far as lay in my power, describe it. The cattle are at first affected with a cough, soon after with a frothing at the mouth and a choking, and in most cases are dead within four days from the commencement of the frothing. Upon opening the whole of the inside appears ulcerated and rotten. The fact has been known to me some time, but from motives of not wishing to injure parties who have cattle, perhaps for sale, is the reason I have not noticed this through the press sooner; nor should I have done so now, but I have been this day solicited to do so by a party named Davis, who within the space of a very few weeks has lost 10 by it, and another is now affected, which he feels confident he will lose. The skin of one of the cattle which died he placed as a covering over a calf-pen, and in a short time the calf was affected in a similar manner to the others, and died; and he certainly believes that caused it. It is the best cattle that are affected. Another party has lost eight bullocks out of 20, and four of those remaining are certainly affected. Others have also lost cattle by the same disease, let it be what it may; and it is Mr. Davis’s wish that the Government s attention should be drawn to the matter for the benefit of the public at large. He intends on the death of the next one to solicit the Bench to cause a medical examination to take place, if possible, to ascertain this matter.
I am, Sir, &c.,
Mintaro, December 9, 1863.