MINTARO, February 6.
Father Bogalski, S.J., who has been in charge of the Mintaro parish for the past eleven years, bid adieu to his congregation on Sunday last. As the result of a stroke of paralysis received some four years ago, he has become very feeble, and he is no longer able to undertake the duties of a parish priest. The parting scene was most touching and pathetic. The aged pastor was visibly affected in his farewell exhortation to the parents and children, and when he concluded by soliciting the prayers of his parishioners, the congregation melted into tears.
When Mass was celebrated, a member of the congregation aptly remarked that the scene recalled to mind the description given of the parting of St. Paul from the clergy of Ephesus, when, before embarking, he knelt down and prayed with them on the shore, and when they wept, “being grieved most of all for the word which he had said that they should see his face no more.” Father Bogalski is not less loved; nor is his departure less lamented.