TENDERS are invited by the above Council until Tuesday next, May 11, 1869, for the undermentioned works. Specifications may be seen at the District Council Office, Clare.
Crotract No. 35.—For Cutting and Forming about Nine Chains of Road, as marked by pegs Nos. 1 and 2 ; also Metalling about Two and a half Chains between Sevenhills and Mintaro, near Sections 305 and 308, north-west of Trilling’s Hill.
No. 36. — For Cutting and Forming about Six and a half Chains of Road, Building Culvert, and Metalling about One and a half Chains at Trilling’s Hill, as marked by pegs No. 3 and 4.
No. 37.—For Cutting and Forming about Six Chains of Road, and Metalling about Five Chains, as marked by pegs No. 5 and 6. at Trilling’s Hill.
No. 38.—For Cutting and Forming about Ten Chains of Road, Clearing Side-drains, Building Culvert, and Metalling about Eight Chains of Road, near Trilling’s Hill, between the District of Clare and Mintaro.
No. 39.—For Cutting and Forming Road, and Filling up Creek, near Mr. Samuel Young’s, Section No. 8, about two and a half miles south-west of Sevenhills, as marked by pegs.
No. 40.—For Moving Fence, and Putting it up again; Cutting, Widening, and Forming Road, as per pile of stones and trenches, at Carter’s Hill,
No. 41.—For Cutting Side-drains, Filling Ruts, and Making Road between the Corporation Boundary Post and Mr. Gleeson’s.
No. 42.—For Cutting, Forming, and Metalling Road, as marked by stone and stump, near Section 125.
No. 43.—For Cutting, Forming, and Metalling Road, and Building Culvert, near Patrick Walsh’s, Section 123.
Samples of stone for metalling to accompany each Tender.
The Council do not bind themselves to accept the lowest or any tender.
By order,