Clare Council Overseer’s Report

Clare District Council.
Thursday, May 4.

Overseer’s Report.

Mintaro-Merildin Main Road.—The reconstruction of this road has been completed for 31 chains, and a further length of 26 chains is now in course of reconstruction and should be completed in about 10 days. The plant at Mintaro will then be available for any district work approved, and for which finance has been arranged.

Works Committee Meeting held on 1st May. Present, Councillors J. H. Richardson, L. J. Harvey, D. R. Hawkes and P. C. Jacka. Apology received from Cr. S. Pink.

Inspection at Mintaro—The committee then made an inspection at Mintaro of—Martindale road; Martindale station road; woolshed ford; Mintaro-Farrell’s Flat road; main road Mintaro-Merildin. The committee then met in the Mintaro Hall, Cr. A. J. Melrose was also present.

The clerk and overseer has received instructions from the Commissioner of Highways (Mr. D. V. Fleming) to proceed with the reconstruction of the Mintaro Main street (Burra Street). The total length of work is 95 chains and will extend from Larkies Corner to the entrance gates of Mortlock Park. The Section from the old Police Station to Blacksmiths shop (25½ chains), will be 30 ft. wide and the balance 18 ft. After the re-construction of the ‘Base-course’ the road will be sheeted with 2″ crushed metal and penetrated with colas or some other emulsion. Then after a coating of screenings it will receive a further penetrated with colas or some other is pleasing to note that this job will be constructed of all local material (except the colas), and by district labor. The stone will be crushed by the Mintaro Slate Quarries, Ltd., who have already overhauled their plant ready for the work. Mr. J. C Fudge, council’s main road ganger, will be placed in charge of the work under the overseer.