Monday, July 12.
Present—All the members.
The Chairman was requested to obtain the information required in Mr. Poole’s case.
The earn of £5 5s. was ordered to be paid to Mr. G. Young, for auditing, &c.
The application for the repairs of the White Hut-road was not entertained, as the applicant made a mistake as to the road.
Messrs. Brady & Hitchcox were authorized to have the ford repaired on the road east of Section 41. If the repairs required exceed £5 the work to be let by tender.
Messrs. Webb, Brady, and Sokolowsky were requested to meet the proprietor of Section 308, at Trilling’s Hill, and a few of the ratepayers of that portion of the district, to ascertain what repairs would be desirable on that hill.
Messrs. Wright and Hitchcox were requested to examine the ford over the creek at Armagh, and report to the next meeting of the Council thereon.
The Clerk was directed to write to the Upper Wakefield Council to say that Messrs. Brady, Wright, and Hitchcox will meet a deputation from that Council to appoint a duly qualified medical man to attend to the destitute poor of both districts in terms of the Chief Secretary’s letter on the subject.
Returns to be sent in to the Commissioner of Public Works.
Adjourned for a fortnight.