Central Road Board, August 1873


Contracts in hand

Kooringa and Port Wakefield road—Providing, &c., 400 cubic yards 2½-inch metal, Leasingham and Mintaro.

Contracts not yet Commenced.

Kooringa and Port Wakefield road—Constructing bridge, &c., at Mintaro.

Contract Signed.
Kooringa and Port Wakefield road—Providing, &c., 200 rods of fencing north of Mintaro.

A letter was received from Robert R. Palmer, stating that the bridge across the creek on the main road at Mintaro has fallen in, and is closed to traffic; also mentioning that the road between Mintaro and Leasingham is dangerous in places. A new bridge is in course of erection, and the road between Mintaro and Leasingham is being attended to.

The Stanley District Council wrote, calling the attention of the Board to the fact that the main road through Mintaro has been closed since the 1st of May last, caused by the destruction of the bridge, and, although the work has been let for some considerable time, there is no indication of its being proceeded with. The Council also direct the Board’s attention to the dangerous condition of the main road south of Mintaro, especially where it divides Section 181, Hundred of Upper Wakefield.
Referred to the Surveyor.  …