Devonshire Hotel

DEVONSHIRE HOTEL, MINTARO. By JOE FREEMAN. J. FREEMAN wishes to inform the many Friends and patrons who have honored him with their favors, and also the Inhabitants of Mintaro and its neighborhood, that he has opened the above House, and intends to do his best to deserve the support which he feels sure will be accorded to him by all lovers of a well-managed house and good cheer. Billiard-Bagatelle Table. Good Stabling. Conveyance daily to and from Mintaro Railway Station.

Surgeon Wanted

To SURGEONS.— WANTED, a duly qualified Medical Practitioner for the neighbourhoods of Mintaro and Black Springs; also, for the Friendly Societies of the above places, consisting of 221 members. All communications to be addressed to J.P., Mintaro, on or before the 10th day of February. JAMES PRIAULX, Secretary to Committee.

Mintaro Railway Station

MINTARO RAILWAY STATION. TOWNSHIP OF ENNIS. ON THURSDAY, FEB. 1, 1872. PAUL BADCOCK has received Instructions from Mr. JOHN CUNNEEN to offer for Sale, by Auction, on Thursday, February 1, at 1 o’clock, on the ground. All the UNSOLD ALLOTMENTS, in the above Township, thirty-seven in number. ENNIS, as a business site, is not surpassed, from Gawler to Kooringa being the centre of a large Agricultural District, with its proximity to the Railway Station, cannot fail to command the trade of a large radius. Terms, one-third Cash, balance by Acceptances for 3 months longer time if desired, at 10 per cent, per annum.

Saddler Harnessmaker wanted

WANTED, a SADDLER and HARNESSMAKER at Mintaro. A splendid opening for a good workman. Apply for particulars to THOMAS SMITH, Mintaro.

Mintaro railway station

MINTARO RAILWAY STATION. TOWNSHIP OF ENNIS. ON THURSDAY, FEB. 1, 1872. PAUL BADCOCK has received Instructions from Mr. JOHN CUNNEEN to offer for Sale, by Auction, on Thursday, February 1, at 1 o’clock, on the ground. All the UNSOLD ALLOTMENTS in the above Township, thirty-seven in number. ENNIS, as a business site, is not surpassed, lrom Gawler to Kooringa being the centre of a large Agricultural District, with its proximity to the Railway Station, cannot fail to command the trade of a large radius. Terms, one-third Cash, balance by Acceptances for 3 months longer time if desired, at 10 per cent. per annum.

Mintaro Railway Station

MINTARO RAILWAY STATION. TOWNSHIP OF ENNIS. On THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1872. PAUL BADCOCK has received instructions from Mr. John Cunneen to offer for sale by auction, on Thursday, February 1, at 1 o’clock, on the Ground— All the unsold ALLOTMENTS in the above township, thirty-seven in number. Ennis as a business site is not surpassed from Gawler to Kooringa. Being the centre of a large agricultural district, with its proximity to a railway station, it cannot fail to command the trade of a large radius. Terms—One-third Cash; balance, three months’ acceptances. Plans of the township may be seen at either of the hotels in the neighborhood.  

Farrell’s flat

Farrell’s Flat.—The Guardian remarks that Hanson, generally known as Farrell’s Flat, is showing unmistakable signs of progress. Several new buildings have been erected during the last few weeks and others are in progress, besides considerable additions to the hotel now occupied by its owner, Mr. J. H. Bleechmore, late of Mintaro. Large quantities of Northern wool are arriving at the station daily, and the ensuing wheat season will sustain the prevailing activity there. Attention has been drawn to the fact that while water for the many teams of horses and bullocks constantly arriving is both scarce and expensive, the large supply that might be secured from the rainfall on the extensive roof of the railway goods shed is allowed to go entirely to waste. Surely the cost of a tank in which it might be saved would be money wisely spent.

Auction in Mintaro

AUCTIONS THIS DAY (Saturday), November 18. AT MINTARO. ON THE PREMISES, AT ONE O’CLOCK SHARP. UNDER INSTRUCTIONS FROM MR. C. PIPER, WHO IS GIVING UP FARMING. J. W. GLEESON will offer for sale by auction— The Whole of his FARMING STOCK and IMPLEMENTS, consisting of— 1 Team of 4 Black Horses— Captain, 4 yrs. old; Duke, 7 yrs. old Prince, 7 do. do.; Farmer, 6 do. do. 1 Team of Chesnut Horses— Sampson 4 yrs. old; Charlie, 5 yrs. old Boxer, 4 do. do.; Emperor, 6 do. do. 1 Team of Bays— Beauty, 4 yrs. old; Elate, 6 yrs. old Dragon, 4 do. do.; Farmer’s Pride, 6 do. The above Teams are all well matched, thoroughly stanch and sound. They have been wool-carting all the season, and are known to all in the district. Ginger, chesnut gelding, good in any harness, 6 yrs. old A Pair of German Wagon Horses, bright bays; a perfect match, and warranted good A Pair of Chesnut Cobs, by the imported Horse Norfolk Hero; without exception the handsomest and fastest Buggy Pair in the North. Grey Mare Countess, a sure fencer, very fast and splendid Carriage Mare. Bay Mare Duchess, fast trotter and good in harness A handsome Chesnut Cob, 6 yrs., up to any weight and good in single harness Black Gelding Darkie, by the imported Darkie, 5 yrs., broken to saddle and harness Brown Filly, broken in to plough 3 Unbroken DRAUGHT FILLIES, by President. Each working horse will be fitted with his own Collar if the purchaser wishes it. 2 very superior Dairy Cows, in full milk and very quiet. IMPLEMENTS. 1 Wagon, by Mellor, took first prize at Adelaide Exhibition in 1867 1 Wagon, by Mankey, took prize at Gawler Exhibition 1 Heavy Dray and Harness, complete set 1 Spring-Cart and do., do. 1 Reaping-Machine—a good worker, and in thorough order 1 Winnowing-Machine 1 Horse Seed-Drill, imported 2 Single-furrow Ploughs, by Ransome 1 Double-furrow do.; by Ramsay 2 sets Harrows, quite new 1 do. Chain do. 1 Horse-Rake 4 sets Shaft Harness 6 do. Leading do. Sale to commence punctually at 1, to enable the Auctioneer to get through all the lots. Terms—Under £20, cash; all sums over that amount approved bills, at three months. 315-22 Note: do. = ditto

contracts proceeding satisfactorily

Contracts Proceeding Satisfactorily. … Kooringa and Port Wakefield—43 chains; south of Reserves, Walkey Creek; 34 chains south of Honeysuckle Flat; 90 chains between Mintaro and Walkey Creek. … WOCKIE CREEK. J. McWaters stated that the works at Wockie Creek had cut off access to his property, Section 317, Mintaro. He asked that an approach might be made. The Board do not make approaches to other than original district roads; but the writer could do so at his own expense, provided the work satisfied the Surveyor…  

Board of education

BOARD OF EDUCATION. Monday, October 2. … Mintaro.—James Fry, Secretary to the Building Committee, sent ground plan of schoolroom and residence as adopted by the trustees, subject to approval. The walls were to be of stone and the roof of corrugated iron, a favourable site had been chosen, and nearly two acres of land purchased. Approved.