Stanley, May 1873
STANLEY, April 26. Present— Chairman, Crs. Faulkner, Brown. Poundkeeper to be informed that he must produce Pound-book properly made up next meeting. Letter from Crown Lands Office re Saddleworth and Auburn road; also from Road Board, respecting blinding and fencing road from Mintaro to Walkey. New works ordered—Erecting footbridge between Sections 160 and 162, Hill River; and footbridge near Old Brewery, Mintaro. Receipts, £25 8s. 7d.
St Joseph’s Day procession
MINTARO, March 25. On Wednesday the Sisters of St. Joseph who have charge of the Roman Catholic School here determined to celebrate St. Joseph’s Day by a procession of their scholars and a picnic, but owing to inclement weather the affair had to be postponed till Thursday. In consequence, however, of the postponement and the gloomy weather then the attendance was not nearly so great as it would have been had Wednesday been fine. Seventy children marched through Mintaro, preceded by a beautiful scarlet silk banner with a picture of St. Joseph and an inscription, and a blue silk one with a picture of the virgin. The girls were prettily dressed in white frocks, blue sashes, and white veils. Judging by the number of people present the efforts of the Sisters to do good seem to be appreciated.
Mintaro, March 1873
MINTARO. [From our own correspondent.] March 26. The weather at the present time looks dull as though it was going to rain, which no doubt the farmers would be very glad of in respect of their ploughing; but on the other hand great damage would be done to the piles of wheat at the various railway stations; and, again, the members of the friendly societies are anxiously looking at clouds, fearing that the morrow, which is their picnic day, will be wet. On Thursday last a picnic took place in the grounds of Mr. Peter Brady, sen. It was a holiday to the children of the Catholic schools. All kinds of amusement, also food, fruit, &c., were kindly provided by members of that body. About 70 or 75 children were present. A procession was formed, accompanied by the Sisters of St. Joseph, who are teachers in the schools, and other parties, carrying banners, &c., and paraded the township, singing the whole route, the children being mostly dressed in white, and walking in pairs, generally about the same height and age, which caused the procession to look much better than these sort of affairs do when mixed pell-mell medley fashion. We were in hopes that Professor Haselmayer would have paid us a visit, but the Mintaro folks, I think, will not be honored so much. I am sorry for it, as from what I have seen of his abilities, I can say it was not only worth while a journey to Clare to see him, but it was worth, if persons could afford it, a trip to Adelaide itself. He is without exception the cleverest performer in his line who ever came before the public.
Robert Hill, Saddler, Mintaro
NOTICE! I, ROBERT HILL, Saddler, of Mintaro, have this day sold all my Stock, Book-Debts, &c., to Messrs. JOSEPH C. GENDERS & CO., Merchants, of Adelaide. ROBERT HILL. Mintaro, February 18, 1873. — “WE THE UNDERSIGNED, having bought as above, all the Stock, Book-Debts, &c., from MR. ROBERT HILL, Saddler, Mintaro, beg to intimate to all persons indebted to him, that we have authorized MR. W. E. GILES, Agent, of Mintaro, to collect all the debts due to Mr. Hill, and that the same must be paid on or before the first day of March next, his receipt being a sufficient discharge. JOSEPH C. GENDERS & CO.
Mintaro Pound
MINTARO, Aaron Smith, Poundkeeper.— One bay horse, blaze down face, off hind foot white, long tail, branded AR near shoulder. Will be sold February 17, noon. … MINTARO, Aaron Smith, Poundkeeper.— One bay mare, blaze down face, branded 7 over 56 near shoulder, near fore foot and hind foot white, [l]ong tail. Will be sold February 24, noon.
Devonshire Hotel
DEVONSHIRE HOTEL, MINTARO. By Joe Freeman. J. FREEMAN wishes to inform, the many Friends and patrons who have honored him with their favors, and also the Inhabitants of Mintaro and its neighborhood, that he has opened the above House, and intends to do his best to deserve the support which he feels sure will be accorded to him by all lovers of a well-managed house and good cheer. Billiard-Bagatelle Table. Good Stabling. Conveyance daily to and from Mintaro Railway Station.
Stanley meeting
STANLEY, November 9. Present—Chairman, Messrs. Bowman, Smith, Faulkner. Clare Council to be applied to for portion of money expended on Boundary-road. Mr. Boundy to have a fortnight’s extension of time to complete Contract No. 47. Clerk to write to Trustees Wesleyan Church respecting road through Lot 9, Mintaro. Payments, £27.
House of Assembly
HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 12. … SUPPLY … Telegraph to Mintaro from Railway Station, £250. Passed…
Mintaro Railway Station
In: SECOND EDITION. MINTARO RAILWAY STATION. TO THE EDITOR. Sir—In your report of the interview of the deputation from Mintaro with the Hon. the Commissioner of Public Works on 8th instant, you state the estimated cost of making the road to the Mintaro Railway Station to be £800. It should be £1,300, or about £8 per chain. By correcting this you will oblige, Yours, &c., W. E. GILES. Mintaro, October 10. [We do not state it, we report it; and our account agrees with that of our daily contemporary in this particular.—ED.]
Land and Houses