VICKERY.-On the 19th of March, at Kroonstadt, South Africa, of enteric fever, Albert A., youngest beloved son of S. and the late H. Vickery, Mintaro, aged 21 years.
MINTARO, September 19. The new tennis court is now completed, and the club is rapidly gaining new members. The energetic secretary is Mr. S. Torr. The members of the Wesleyan Church choir, assisted by friends from other places, are busily engaged, in practising for the cantata, ‘Flower Queen,’ to be given in November. The institute has added 84 new books to the library, making in all 1,600 volumes. … MINTARO CENTRAL, September 23. At present the wattles, shrubs, and fruit trees, which are nearly all out in blossom, present a beautiful appearance. There is every indication of a splendid crop of fruit. There are a few men still working on the goldfield.
MINTARO CENTRAL, September 19. The new tennis court is now completed, and the club is rapidly gaining new members. The energetic secretary is Mr. S. Torr. The members of the Wesleyan Church choir, assisted by friends from other places, are busily engaged in practising for the cantata, “Flower Queen,” to be given in November. The institute has added 84 new books to the library, making in all 1,600 volumes.
[AUCTIONS] … LOT 9.—HUNDRED OF STANLEY. Sections 117, 118, 119, and 120, situated about THREE MILES WEST OF MINTARO RAILWAY-STATION. containing 353 Acres of good wheatgrowing land, well watered by WOCKIE’S CREEK, which passes through the property known as Panell’s farm. Improvements comprise Stone House of 5 rooms, iron roof, Well, Dam, Stables, Sheds, and Yards-The LAND IS SUBDIVIDED INTO 5 PADDOCKS. Mr. R. J. O’Brien has a lease for 3 years from 1st March, 1899.
UNIVERSITY COLLEGE, LONDON. APPOINTMENT FOR DR. JETHRO BROWN. London, December 8. Dr. W. Jethro Brown, formerly of South Australia, has been appointed to the Professorial Chair of Constitutional Law and History at University College, London. Dr. W. Jethro Brown. M.A., LL.D., was born at Mintaro, South Australia. He received his early education at the Stanley Grammar School, Watervale, conducted by Mr. J. St. Carlyon Cole, and graduated at the University at Cambridge. He was a scholar and MacMahon student of St. John’s College, and is a barrister at law of the Middle Temple. For some time Dr. Brown was professor of law and modern history in the University of Tasmania, and subsequently acted in the same capacity in the University of Sydney. He is the author of ‘Why federate?’ and ‘The new democracy—a political study.’
Midland District Licensing Bench Quarterly Meeting—December 6. [Before Messrs. W. Johnstone, S. M. (Chairman), and W. E. Giles, and W. Kelly, Js.P.] TRANSFER OF PUBLICAN’S AND BILLIARD LICENCE—GRANTED Sophia Lalor to Edward Worden, Mintaro Hotel, Mintaro.
Fatality at Farrell’s Flat
Fatality at Farrell’s Flat.—On Tuesday last, Mr. Richard P. F. Mahon, who once carried on business in Clare as a baker, but lately has been at Mintaro as a butcher, met with a tragic death at Farrell’s Flat. He had finished his round and left Farrell’s Flat for Mintaro about a quarter to 12, when just after leaving the hotel yard something it is supposed went wrong with the harness, and the horse bolted along the Clare road. When attempting to turn on to the Mintaro road, which is short distance from the Flat, the cart was capsized, turning right over twice, the wheel pinning Mr. Mahon to the ground by the neck, his skull and jaw both being fractured. Mrs. A. E. Austis was the only witness of the bolt and capsize, being some distance away. She at once informed Mr. Rielly, storekeeper at Farrell’s Flat, who ran down and lifted cart of (sic) the deceased. He was not dead but unconscious, and remained in this state until he died, three hours afterwards. He was conveyed to the Farrell’s Flat Hotel, and Dr. A. A. Smith, of Clare, was sent for, but before his arrival the deceased had expired. An inquest was held at the hotel on Wednesday at 1 o’clock, before Mr. E. W. Crewes, of Burra, M. C. Carter, of Clare watching the proceedings on behalf of the police. The jury returned the following verdict:—’We unanimously come to the opinion that Richard Peter Francis Mahon came by his death through his horse bolting, and that no blame is attachable to any person, it being an accident.’ Altogether seven witnesses gave evidence.
McLeish funeral
FUNERAL NOTICES THE Friends of Mr. George McLeish are informed that the FUNERAL of his late WIFE will Leave the Railway Station, Mintaro, TO-MORROW MORNING (Wednesday), on arrival of the midday train, for Interment in the Mintaro Cemetery. GEO. DOWNS & SON. Undertakers.
Eliza McLeish
McLEISH.—On the 19th November, at her sister’s residence (Mrs. Torr), ‘Ainbold,’ Buxton street, North Adelaide, Eliza Hornabrook McLeish, beloved wife of George McLeish, Mintaro, aged 65 years. A colonist of 52 years.
Mintaro, November 1900
MINTARO, November 13. A successful entertainment in aid of the local Church was held in the Institute Hall on Tuesday, the 6th inst. The programme included items by Misses Dollie Gillespie and Annie McCann and Mr. Don Frazer, of Adelaide. Miss Gillespie, in the songs “Rory, Darlin’,” “To morrow Will Do,” and by her pathetic rendition of “Susan’s Story,” fully upheld, her reputation. Miss McCann sang “Mary of Argyle” sweetly, and with expression, while the comic effusions of Mr. Frazer delighted the audience, all his items receiving imperative encores. In his final song, “Say Au Revoir” (comic version) he fairly eclipsed himself, and received an ovation. The remainder of the programme was made up of local talent.