[To the Editor of the Northern Argus.]
Sir—It is seldom I rush into print, but I feel sure you will allow me a short space in your valuable columns in relation to secular education and the Bible.
Personally, I exceedingly regret the step that is being taken to exclude the blessed Bible from our day schools, and I feel sure that I express the sentiments of thousands besides. Our beloved Queen Victoria says “it is the secret of England’s greatness.” Why, then, should such an attempt be made to exclude it from our day schools? Ought not the study of the Bible to be a part of our education, as a professedly Christian and Protestant colony? But if the exclusion of it does not ignore this idea I do not know what does. It is all very well to say there are Sabbath schools where our children can be taught Bible truths, but the question is will they go there? I venture to assert that thousands will not, neither will they anywhere else learn the grand and necessary truths which help to make a man or a nation great and honorable in the world. It will be a dark day for South Australia when the Bible is deposed to an only secondary place in the education of her children. As Protestants and particularly as servants of the Most High, we should, en masse, protest against so monstrous an act. As Dr. Parker, of London, said in May, 1870, “I am not with anger when I think that ministers of the Gospel—the sworn servants of the Lord—are willing that it should be excluded from the schools during the ordinary hours.” I am pleased that the Rev. Mr. Goldsmith has spoken out so faithfully and fearlessly, and feel sure that if this colony had a few such men it would be none the worse.
I am, Sir, &c.,
J. Barber.
Mintaro, September 12.