Auction Thompson Priest Residence

On THURSDAY, September 6, at 11 o’clock.
W. E. GILES, in accordance with the instructions contained in the Will of the late Thompson Priest, will sell by public action (sic), as above—
That Very Complete and Commodious RESIDENCE of the late Mr. Priest, situated on Allotments 33 and 34, MINTARO, and 50, 51, and 52, MINTARO NORTH, comprising about 2½ Acres,on which is erected a Seven-Roomed DWELLING-HOUSE, with Cellar, Bathroom, and Laundry, Office and Storeroom, Three-stalled stable, Coachhouse, Harness-room, and Hayhouse, Cottage of Two Rooms. Underground and Overground Tanks, and all necessary Outhouses.
The Whole of the HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE and EFFECTS, comprising—
Horsehair Suite, Gilt pierglass, 4 ft. by 3 ft.
Chiffonnier, Loo, Dining, Occasional, and other Tables
Pictures, Lustres, Vases, Lamps
Curtains, Poles and Rings, Carpets, Mats
Clocks, Barometer
Bedsteads, Wardrobe, Chest of Drawers
Paillasses, Mattresses, Washstands
Toilet Sets and Glasses, Sofas, Chairs
Handsome Breakfast Set, blue and gold
Platedware, Crockery, Cutlery, Glassware
Mangle, Cooking Utensils, and Sundries
Quantity Builder’s Requisites
Avery Weighing Machine, Hayforks, Ladders
Stone Water, Salting, and Pig Troughs
Garden and other Tools
5 Cows (some in milk, and all in calf), 1 Heifer
Spider Buggy, 3 sets Buggy Harness
Heavy Harness and odd do, Saddle and Bridle
Chesnut Gelding Prince, Set (3) Harrows
Landroller, Single Plough, Swings, &c., &c., &c.
The Premises and Furniture on view the day before the Sale.
Terms—For the Freehold, 20 per cent. deposit and balance in a month; for the Personal Property, up to £20 cash, over that amount three months’ approved acceptances.
The Auctioneer begs to call the attention of the public to the above genuine Sale. Every lot must be sold to the highest bidder. The Homestead is undoubtedly one of the most complete residences in the North. All the Buildings are of a first-class description, and no expense has been spared to make it convenient and comfortable. In addition to the tanks there is a never failing supply of water from a well which is conveyed by a force-pump to a tank over the kitchen, and thence by pipe into the house.
The Sale will commence punctually at 11 o’clock. Lunch at 1 o’clock, and the Residence will be sold at 2 o’clock.
Note.—The above Sale will be followed by a Sale of several thousand feet of Flagstones, rough squared, about the end of September.