Appeal for Widow Weathers

To the Editor.
Sir—Will you kindly insert the following appeal for help on behalf of the widow of Mr. John Weathers, who died some months ago, and left her totally unprovided for, with a family of seven young children? This is a very sad case indeed. The mother has been ill ever since through the shock of her husband’s death, and is quite unable to do anything for herself or family. Her eldest son, a lad of 17 years, lies dangerously ill in the Adelaide Hospital, and the family are in destitute circumstances. I have been trying to assist them for this last month, but it is not in my power to do so any longer, and I very reluctantly have to return home and leave them to the mercy of the charitable public, who I feel sure will help them in their great need. I may state that the late Mr. Weathers is an old resident of Mintaro, and well known in that part, being once a man of independent means.—I am, &c.,
(Mrs.) M. A. ELDRIDGE.
180, Flinders-street, January 11, 1900.