[From our own Correspondent.]
January 29.
The sixth anniversary of the Mintaro Lodge of Oddfellows, M.U., was held on Wednesday the 28th instant. The brothers assembled in the Lodgeroom at 12 o’clock, for the purpose of initiating several new brothers and electing a surgeon in place of the late Dr. Sokolowski. Mr. Morgan, surgeon, of Auburn, was elected. At the conclusion of the business the brothers formed in procession, and, preceded by the Burra Band and banners kindly lent by the Burra Lodge, walked to the Wesleyan Chapel, where a very appropriate address was delivered by the Rev. Mr. Usher to an attentive congregation. At 7 o’clock about 40 brothers and friends sat down to an excellent dinner provided by Host Meehan. Mr. A. King occupied the chair, and P.G. J. E. Bleechmore the vice-chair. At the conclusion and almost demolition of the eatables the Chairman proposed in succession, with appropriate remarks to each toast, “The Queen,” “The Prince of Wales,” and “The Governor;” all of which were received with that loyalty and enthusiasm for which Oddfelfellows are celebrated. Song, P.G. Goodwin. Dr. Webb proposed “The Parliament of South Australia,” expressing his confidence in the present House of Assembly, and closing his remarks by a complimentary allusion to our two members (Messrs. Kingston and Young), expressing his belief that they, with other members, would do to the best of their ability for the good of the country in general, and of our district in particular. Drunk with musical honors. Song, Brother Filgate—”Widow Machree.” P.G. Preist proposed “The Manchester Unity,” illustrating the benefits of the Order by various references. Drunk with Lodge honors. Song, Mr. Rowe. P.G. J. E. Bleechmore responded. The Chairman (in the absence of the brother to whom the toast was given), in eloquent terms, proposed “The Widow and Orphan Fund,” the brightest jewel of the Order. P.G. Threadgold in suitable terms responded. P.G. J. E. Bleechmore proposed “The Loyal Mintaro Lodge.” P.G. James Brown responded. Song, P.G. Goodwin—”The Old Kentucky Home.” P.G. Goodwin proposed “The other Lodges in connection with the Manchester Unity.” Dr. Webb responded for the Clare Lodge, N.G. Pollard for the Auburn Lodge, Brother Abbott for the Norwood Lodge, and Brother Robertson for the Burra Lodge. Song, Brother Abbott. P.G. Faulkner proposed, in a feeling manner, “The Memory of our late Surgeon, Dr. Sokolowski.” Drunk in silence. P.G. Faulkner proposed “The Visiting Brothers and Friends.” Song, Mr. Kelly—”The Rale Ould Irish Gintleman.” Brother Abbott responded, and at the conclusion proposed in a very gallant and flattering manner, “Lady Daly, the Misses Daly, and the Ladies of South Australia.” Song, Brother Filgate—”Dermid McFig.” Mr. Kelly responded for the friends. Secretary Turner responded for Lady Daly and the ladies of South Australia. Song, P.G. J. E. Bleechmore—”The Ivy Green.” P.G. Goodwin, in suitable terms, proposed “The Press.” The Vice-Chairman responded for the Advertiser and Chronicle; Mr. Kelly responded for the Register. Song, P.G. Goodwin—”Wallaroo Bay.” The toasts of the Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Host and Hostess, closed a very pleasant evening. The Burra Band contributed in no small degree to the harmony of the evening.
Mr. Field, the foreman at the late inquest, has taken the opinion of Mr. Parker, solicitor, as to whether an action would lie against the Coroner for what Mr. Field considers an illegal arrest. Mr. Parker, in a written opinion, expresses himself to the effect that no action would lie aganst the Coroner, however arbitrarily he may exercise his power over the Jury or the public—the Coroner acting as Judge of a Court of Record—and quoted in support of his opinion Garnett v. Terrand, 6 Barn & Cres: p. 625. I send this as I consider it very important that the public generally should know the power a Coroner possesses.
Wheat continues to come in very freely, and I am sorry that farmers seem bound to sell at the ruinous prices offering, viz., 2s. 10d. per bushel. The greatest difficulty the buyers have to contend with is the want of drays to cart the wheat to Adelaide. I fancy the price offering, 10d. per bushel, would pay better than selling the wheat at present rates.