Act Regulating Sale of Waste Lands

Colonial Secretary’s Office, May 2, 1849.
The Public Offices, Victoria-square, will be closed on Monday next, the 7th instant.

By his Excellency Sir Henry Edward Fox Young, Knight, Lieutenant-Governor of her Majesty’s Province of South Australia, and Vice Admiral of the same, &c.
In pursuance of the authority in me vested by a certain Act of the imperial Parliament of Great Britain and Ireland, passed in the fifth and sixth years of her Majesty’s reign, intituled “An Act for regulating the Sale of Waste Lands belonging to the Crown in the Australian Colonies,” I do hereby notify and proclaim that, at eleven o’clock on Friday the 8th day of June, 1849, at the Court house, Adelaide, the following portions of Crown Lands will be offered for sale by public auction, at the upset price affixed to each lot respectively, on the terms and conditions, and under the provisions of the above recited Act. Deposit, ten per cent.:— …