Accidents at Mintaro.—-Several accidents have lately occurred in and about Mintaro. First Mr. Brinnly, butcher, had a narrow escape through being thrown from a horse, and he was taken home apparently in a dying state. Then Mr. F. Curneen, farmer, at Farrell’s Flat, was knocked down insensible whilst drafting horses at Mr. Brinnly’s residence, and sustained some severe internal injuries. A young man named Malycha had his hand jambed (sic) between the cog-wheels of a reaping-machine and a piece of timber, and much lacerated ; and lastly, a son of Mr. Coles, of Belalie, fell into a waterhole whilst fishing, and great praise is due to Messrs. J. Brown and Bowman for having rescued him after having sunk the third time. All the sufferers were placed under the treatment of Dr. Carter, and are now convalescent.