Mintaro Cemetery


[To the Editor.]
Sir — May I through the medium of your valuable paper, be granted space to voice the indignation of myself and others concerned, at the obvious neglect of the Mintaro General Cemetery. The general condition of this cemetery defies description. Roadways and footpaths are covered with a multitude of weeds feet high. Vermin roam about uncontrolled, and snakes are a real menace in the Summer time. There is no vermin proof fence surrounding the cemetery.
We know that it is the responsibility of the relatives to keep their gaves clean and tidy; but it is not their job to keep roads and footpaths clean. This I believe, comes within the jurisdiction of the Clare and District Council, which body, controls this area. I noted Chair man’s report re Clare Cemetery. We have been told that our Cemetery is not a Paying Proposition. What do we have to do to rectify this ? Comment obvious ! Surely one day a year would suffice to keep things reasonably tidy, providing a grader and a gang of men were made available.
I am, Sir, &c., R. J. TICKLE.
Mintaro, July 31st, 1948.