Reception at Convent of Mercy.
On Friday, October 24, an impressive ceremony took place in the chapel of the Convent of Mercy when Miss Nellie Kelly, second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kelly, late of Mintaro, and niece of Fr. Kelly, of Port Lincoln, received the holy habit of the Order of Mercy. His Grace the Archbishop officiated, and was assisted by Right Rev. Mgr. Hurley, V.G., and Fr. Gatzemeyer. There were also present in the sanctuary Rev. Frs. Nerney. S.J., Candler, O.P., Cleary, O.C.C., McCaffrey, O.C.C, McCarthy, M.S.H., Lopez, M.S.H., Gabriel. C.P., and Daniel, C.P. The novice, who is an old scholar of the Convent of Mercy, entered the chapel attired in a very pretty bridal dress of crepe de chine with veil and wreath, and when the first part of the ceremony was ended she left the chapel to change her finery for the simple black habit of the Order. During this time the choir sang a very devotional “Ave Verum,” and as the novice with the Mother Superior and Mother Assistant returned to the chapel the “Quae est Ista” was sung. At the conclusion of the ceremony his Grace the Archbishop gave Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament. The guests included Mr. and Mrs. Kelly, Misses Kelly, Masters Kelly, Mr. and Mrs. J. Kelly, Mesdames Slattery and Sexton, and a goodly number of relatives and friends of the novice, who is now known as Sister Mary Ignatius.