MINTARO, April 17.
The continued dry weather is causing no little alarm to many farmers, although occasionally a few consider that the present drought will be the precursor of regular rains, during the growing season. In consequence of the late unusually light harvest money is scarce and business is dull.
The Wesleyans, who seem under almost any circumstances to have a peculiar gift in raising cash, have just celebrated their anniversary services, which were conducted by the Rev. W. L. Binks, of Adelaide, and added £78 to the trust funds.
The inhabitants seem fully alive to the claims of education, for within a few months they have erected a schoolroom and teachers residence, which, for a building possessing the qualities of neatness, convenience, and durability, is second to none connected with the Education Board. The cost was moderate— £450.
Dr. Vogt, having removed, has been succeeded by Dr. Carter, of Adelaide.