On Wednesday, August 20, Sir George Kingston introduced to the Hon. the Commissioner of Public Works Messrs. Wm. Bowman and Jas. Brown, as a deputation from the inhabitants of Mintaro, Farrell’s Flat, and the surrounding neighbourhood, requesting his favourable consideration of the road east and west of the Mintaro Railway Station. Sir George read a memorial signed by 165 persons, in which they stated that the District Council of Stanley had expended nearly £400 between Mintaro and the station, but with hardly any visible improvement, and the limited amount of money at their command rendered them totally unable to deal with the road in question. They therefore prayed that £1,800 might be placed on the Estimates for the purpose of repairing the road. Sir George having remarked that from personal knowledge he could bear testimony to the very bad state of the road, mentioned that the number of acres cultivated last year in the District of Stanley was 20,635, of which 13,884 were under wheat, and the quantity of grain raised therefrom was 178,406 bushels, and, of course, it was of great importance that the farmers should be able to take their produce to market cheaply. Messrs. Bowman and Brown pointed out that it was impossible at present to get to the railway station with even half a load except by trespassing on private property, and that if the road were made three times the quantity of wheat which was now sent would be taken there. Unless it was done the farmers would be obliged to send their produce at the rush of the season, and take their chance of getting it sent down in proper time. The Commissioner, in reply, said he was well aware that there was a road which could not be repaired, but must be made throughout. The Supplementary Estimates having been passed the Government could not expend any money upon it between this and the forthcoming harvest; but they had decided to place it on the schedule of main roads, and if the new Road Bill which they intended to introduce was not carried, as he had little doubt from the liberality of its provisions it would be, they would endeavour to get the present Act amended so as to place roads which were feeders to railways on the schedule of main lines. But in any case he promised that, so far as he was individually concerned, the road should receive the attention it deserved.