There have been many severe cases of diphtheria in this locality of late, but the sufferers have recovered.—An accident occurred on the road near Mintare a few nights since. Mr. F. Hector and Mr. P. Larkey were returning from, Wackoi to Mintaro, and their trap was overtuned down an embankment. Mr Hector escaped with slight bruises, but Mr. Larkey’s collar-bone and one of his ribs were broken. Mr. Thompson Priest also had a narrow escape the same evening. The road is a splendid one, but the embankments are unfenced, and no person is safe, no matter how careful he is, after dark. The Central Road Board should see to this at once. Numerous accidents have occurred here which have never been made public through the press, but something no doubt will occur yet which will prove fatal, if the road is not attended to.—The farmers are busy seeding, and they have every prospect of a fine season.—The anniversary of the Primitive Methodist Sabbath-school here took place on Sunday last, the 25th instant. The afternoon and evening services were conducted by the Rev. J. Barber, who preached to large congregations. The collections amounted to £3.16s. On the following day a tea meeting was held. The children belonging to the school number 31. Their tea took place at half-past 3, and the adults at 5. About 50 grown persons sat down, and heartily enjoyed themselves. The juveniles found amusement in various ways. After tea a public meeting was held, presided over by Mr. Miller, sen. The Rev. J. Barber read the school report, which showed the school to be in a most flourishing condition. He also read letters of apology from the Rev. Hans Mack and Mr. R Dale, who were unavoidably prevented from attending. The meeting was then ably addressed by Mr. J. Fry (Wesleyan local preacher), the Revs. J. Barber, and S. Wellington. The addresses of the different speakers were listened to attentively by the hearers, who at times could not resist smiling at the humorous anecdotes with which the speeches were interspersed. Several beautiful anthems were sung by the choir, viz. :—” How beautiful are thy feet upon the mountains,” “The children are gathering,” &c., &c., Mrs. Barber most kindly presiding at the harmonium. Great thanks are due to the ladies who so kindly gave the trays, vis.— Mesdames Hunt and Miller. Votes of thanks were passed to them, also to the choir for their able services, the male and female teachers, the gentlemen who addressed the meeting, and the chairman. The proceeds of the tea amounted to £2 15s. 9d .; public collection, £1 2s 6d.; Sunday’s collection, as before stated, £2 16s; making a total of £6 14s 3d. There was also a balance in hand from last year, viz., 11s. 6d. The meeting closed with prayer. I may also mention that this the ninth anniversary of the school.