FATAL ACCIDENT.—A correspondent at Clare writes as follows:— “A sad gloom was thrown over the neighbourhood of Mintaro by a truly melancholy accident which occurred on the 27th of last month to John McLeish, son of Mr. George McLeish, farmer, of this place, a young man in the full enjoyment of life, 14 years in the colony, and universally respected and esteemed by all who knew him. While in the act of descending a well they were sinking on their farm, the rope broke, and the unfortunate individual was precipitated to a depth of upwards of 50 feet, from the effects of which, after a few days of intense suffering, he expired. His remains were carried to Penwortham Church, followed by a large circle of his friends and acquaintances, who were all anxious to pay their last respects to the memory of one who had gained for himself so high a character, and who had been held in such esteem by them.”