TWENTY POUNDS REWARD.—STOLEN out of my Paddock, at Mintaro, on the night of the 21st of July last, Two MARES, viz., One Bay Mare, black mane and tail, black points, star on forehead, well bred, and near foaling, branded PB with line over near shoulder, K (upside down) near side on neck; One Roan Mare, ball free, white hind legs, heavy mane and tail, branded AS near side on the neck; AS with P over near shoulder. Supposed to he taken up the Murray. The above reward will be paid for the conviction of the offenders, or £5 for the recovery of the Mares only, by Peter Brady, of Mintaro, Upper Wakefield.
FIVE POUNDS REWARD.—Stolen or Strayed, from Mintaro, Upper Wakefield, about 12 months ago, 28 head of CATTLE, STEERS, and HEIFERS, viz., 25 (about 2 years old) branded PB near rump, 1 Light Brown Heifer, branded D(facing up)P near rump, 1 Steer, branded D(facing down) with B(facing down) under off thigh, 1 Red Poley Cow, branded B(facing down) off thigh. If strayed, the above reward will be paid to any person giving such information as will lead to their recovery; and if stolen, Twenty Pounds will be paid on the conviction of the offender. And any person or persons detaining them after this date will be prosecuted according to law.
Mintaro, July 10, 1854.