Clare Council, March 1855

Monday, March 5.
A meeting was held at the Clare Court-House on Monday, 5th March, for the purpose of electing three Councillors for the said district for the ensuing year. There were seven candidates proposed by the ratepayers present, and at the close of the poll the numbers stood thus:—
James Wright, 30; Patrick Butler, 25; Arthur Horrocks, 19: Archibald McDiarmid, 12; Thomas Moyses, 7; Francis Tresize, 6; George Walkington, 1.
At 4 o’clock p.m. the Chairman closed the poll, and declared that Messrs. James Wright, Patrick Butler, and Arthur Horrocks were duly elected to serve as Councillors for the ensuing year in place of those who have retired from office, viz., Messrs. Webb, Couled, and Spicer.
Present — Messrs. E. B. Gleeson, Arthur Horrocks, Peter Brady, James Wright, and Patrick Butler.
Mr. Gleeson was unanimously chosen Chairman for the ensuing year.
The Clerk read the annual report, which touched upon all matters connected with the District Council, and wound up by informing the Council, that the Treasurer had £140 in hand, besides a further sum of £50 laid out preparing plans for the Central Board. This was nett cash after paying all the debts of the Council.
The Clerk was ordered to write to the Keeper of the Clare Pound, calling on him to resign his appointment, or it would be cancelled at the next meeting.
Mr. George Faulkner was appointed Keeper of the Public Pound at Mintaro.
The Ranger was voted £15 for the keep of a horse until the 30th June next, from the 1st January, 1855.
The usual per centage was voted to the officers for the half-year ending on the 30th June.
Mr. J. H. Spenser was appointed Assessor, and to prepare two copies of the roll.
Adjourned till Monday next.
At the close of the meeting Mr. Gleeson thanked the Councillors for their kindness and good-will towards him in electing him as their Chairman again. He hoped that they would always act kindly together for the good of the District. He could not let that opportunity pass without thanking the retiring Councillors for their kindness, particularly Messrs. Couled and Spicer, who attended their meetings with such good-will, and at great personal inconvenience to themselves. The Government and the Central Board were willing to help them if they helped themselves, which he hoped they would do, and that one and all might act only for the welfare of the Council.