Port Wakefield.—We have been favoured by a correspondent with the following particulars of the arrival at Port Wakefield of the Malacca, announced last week:—Arrived at this port the ship Malacca, 689 tons, E. R. Coleman, commander, from London on the 23rd January, having touched at the following ports on her passage out, viz, Rio de Janeiro March 21st, and Monte Video May 19th. The Patent Copper Company are the owners of the Malacca. Cabin passengers—Mrs. Coleman and family, Mr and Mrs Gwillen, Mr and Mrs Cublitt, Messrs Horn, Butchart, Palmer, Mrs Kellicoat and family, Mrs Skews and family, Misses Russell, Milton, and Jones. Muleteers in the employ of the Patent Copper Company—Hurtley, Moiraran, Lambert, Puire, Grasan, and Bilart. Cargo—100 barrels beer, Stilling; 60 do porter, 140 do stout, Elder and Co.; 32 pkgs rope, 5 anchors, 5 chain cables, 6 iron blocks, 12 sheets of copper, 1 bag nails, 10 bolts canvas, 70 kegs paint, 10 cans oil and turps, 10 barrels tar, 1 do pitch, 3 do varnish, 4 pkgs oakum, 10 bdls twine, 8 cases wino (sic), E R Horn; 70 mules, 7 boats, Patent Copper Company; 1 box sundries, Collinson.