ODDFELLOWSHIP.—The first anniversary in celebration of the opening of the Loyal Mintaro Lodge, took place on Wednesday, the 26th ultimo. The brethren, numbering about twenty, walked in procession to the school room, to attend divine service. A very appropriate sermon was preached by the Rev. W. Woods, from the 12th chapter of Romans, 9th and 10th verses, and was listened to by a very large congregation, with marked attention. The annual dinner took place in the evening, at the Mintaro Hotel, where about forty sat down to an excellent spread, served in the usual good style by host Muir. P. G. Brewer ably filled the chair, supported on the right by the Rev. W. Woods, and on the left, by N.G. James Browne. The Vice-chair was filled by G.M. Priest. After the removal of the cloth, the usual loyal and patriotic toasts were given, and heartily responded to. Several toasts in connection with the order were also given and responded to. The evening was enlivened by singing. Several recitations were also given. The evening was very agreeably spent, and the conviviality kept up to a late hour.
Mr. Barlow gives his farewell entertainment at the Port this evening. He will be assisted by the well-known Nigger melodist and dancer, Mr Baker.